2.Effect of diaphragmatic breathing exercises on fetal health anxiety and coping with prenatal stress
3.Effect of temporomandibular release and myofascial release techniques on quality of life, depression, and headache in ındividuals with tension-type headache
Journal of Exercise Therapy and Rehabilitation (JETR), fizyoterapi ve rehabilitasyon, spor ve egzersiz, odyoloji, konuşma terapisi, iş-uğraşı terapisini içeren diğer sağlık disiplinlerinin yanı sıra egzersiz fizyolojisi, beslenme ve çocuk gelişimi alanlarında İngilizce ve Türkçe vaka çalışmaları ile birlikte araştırma ve derleme makalelerini yayınlamaktadır.
4.Pediatric Bobath Concept in management of children with
cerebral palsy: view of Turkish Bobath therapists
5.Comparison of single-and dual-task gait parameters of children with cancer and typically developing children
6. Influence of gender on pain, upper extremity functions, and quality of life in individuals with diabetes
7.Relation between balance, functional mobility,
walking endurance and participation in ambulatory
children with spastic bilateral cerebral palsy -
Balance and participation in cerebral palsy